Watermelon is an amazing hydrating fruit as it contains 92% of water and is enriched with minerals and vitamins. Its seeds are super-rich in various nutrients. These seeds have a low-calorie count and are rich in micronutrients like zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc. Watermelon seeds boost immunity and heart health and help to control blood sugar levels, thereby occupying a prominent place in the Diabetes Food Chart.
You can eat watermelon seeds raw, sprouted, and roasted. In any form, these seeds are so tasty and healthy. Usually, watermelon seeds are granted nutrition once they are sprouted.
As watermelon seeds are full of nutrients like proteins, essential fatty acids, magnesium, zinc; it helps to provide surprising benefits to our body. Some of the important benefits are described here:
The sprouted watermelon seeds help to cleanse your skin as it is full of vitamin C, antioxidants, etc. Its oil is widely used in various beauty products to treat acne and early signs of ageing. Watermelon seeds are full of magnesium which helps to improve your overall skin appearance. It is used in cases like eczema and other skin conditions where your skin is dry and itchy. Watermelon seeds act as a moisturizer for your dull, dry skin.
Zinc found in the seeds can slow down the ageing process because of its ability of protein synthesis, cell division, and repair.
Everyone likes a healthy head of hair. So, why not use watermelon seeds to achieve this? Watermelon seeds are full of proteins, iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper which are known to improve the quality of your hairs. These seeds help in strengthening your hair and promote hair growth. Manganese in the seeds helps to prevent hair fall and damage.
Watermelon seeds can promote your heart health in many ways. Being a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Studies suggested that these good fats are useful in protecting against heart attack, stroke. This seed contains a high amount of magnesium which keeps your heart healthy and regulates normal blood pressure.
Watermelon seeds act as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vasodilator (widening of blood vessels) that is a probable reason for their usefulness in a healthy heart. The iron it supplies is also vital in carrying oxygenated blood in the whole body. Watermelon seeds are also rich in zinc which plays a key role in heart health. It regulates the calcium movements in your heart.
If you are suffering from blood sugar level fluctuations, try including these magical seeds in your diet. Magnesium helps to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates which directly impact blood sugar levels. These seeds help with the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Watermelon seeds are packed with iron and minerals which enhance immune functions. These seeds also contain vitamin B complex also helps in this regard.
Try to include watermelon seeds if you are having weak bones and conditions like osteoporosis. Eating watermelon seeds regularly can prevent bone disorders as they are rich in magnesium, copper, potassium.
Watermelon seeds are a rich source of vitamin B which helps to keep your brain and nervous system healthy. It is also useful in mood disorders, dementia.
Watermelon contains a high amount of zinc which is important for the male reproductive system. Zinc can help to improve the quality of sperm which is the major issue in male infertility.
Watermelon levels are rich in micronutrients which helps to boost and maintain your energy for a longer period.
Though many people are unaware of these magical watermelon seeds they are super-tasty and super-nutritious. You can eat them as a snack whenever you feel hungry, it will keep you fueled for a longer time.
Watermelon seeds are known to be rich in nutrients like folate, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, amino acids and Vitamin B complex. These nutrients are extremely helpful in regulating as well as boosting the natural metabolism of the body.
Since watermelon seeds have a generous dose of Vitamin C, they are useful in the management of the symptoms of Asthma. Vitamin C is a powerful dietary antioxidant that can help reduce the effects of Asthma. Although suggestive studies exist about the effects of watermelon seeds on asthma, more research is needed. Nevertheless, watermelon seeds are safe to consume and should definitely be an option for people suffering from Asthma.
Watermelon as well as its seeds contain an organic chemical compound known as Lycopene. Lycopene has been studied to have powerful anti-cancer properties. A 2015 study has revealed that Lycopene can be used to prevent the onset and/or development of prostate cancer to some extent.
Watermelon seeds are best consumed roasted. You can easily roast watermelon seeds and sprinkle some salt over them to make for a savoury snack. This can be both a delicious as well as a healthy way to consume watermelon seeds on the go. Apart from this, there are more extravagant recipes that you can try at home using watermelon seeds.
You can begin by roasting watermelon seeds on a skillet in medium heat. Once the seeds achieve a reddish hue, you can transfer them to a bowl. Next, you need to coat these seeds in thick sugar syrup. Once this is done, you can brush a pan with coconut oil and press these sugar-coated watermelon seeds onto it to form thick cakes. Finally, you can cut up these cakes into watermelon seed bars and consume them as a sweet and crunchy snack.
This is a more spicy recipe that can also serve as a meal in itself. You can begin by dry roasting watermelon seeds along with red chillies in a pan. Transfer this roasted mix into a bowl, add salt and sugar, and grind it all to a coarse powdery consistency. Next, you need to add oil in a pan and throw in some mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves, and asafoetida. After this, you can add peanuts to this and shallow fry them until dark brown. Finally, you need to add some pre-boiled rice to this along with the coarsely ground watermelon seeds powder and mix everything well. Your watermelon seeds rice is now ready to be served to the entire family.
You can also make some delectable yet healthy desserts with watermelon seeds. Simply start by grinding watermelon seeds to a reasonably fine powder. Then you need to make a sugar syrup in a pan and then pour this powder into it and wait till it forms a thick cake-like mixture. Cut these into small diamonds and your watermelon seeds barfis are ready to serve.